Absolute Space: An Assessment of Leibniz’s Arguments Against the Reality of Space

The Leibniz and Clarke correspondence encompasses the substantivalist relativist debate on the reality of space. Clarke represents Newton’s view, advocating substantivalism. Leibniz on the other hand, heavily influenced by Descartes, advocated relationism and discounts the existence of absolute space, that material objects can only be described by their relations to other objects, not by objective locations within some sort of underlying space. Within the correspondence he gives three main refutations to Newton: a critique of God’s mind as a sensorium, the Principle of Sufficient Reason [PSR] and the Principle of Identity of Indiscernibles [PII]. I will not be addressing the former in this essay, instead I will evaluate the arguments formed around the two principles and assess the examples Newton gives to counteract this. I argue that Leibniz’s arguments against the reality of space are unconvincing as he fails to respond to Newton’s confutations against PSR and PII.

एकांत से कैवल्य तक : कोरोना काल में जैन दर्शन की प्रासंगिकता

जैन दर्शन में कैवल्य का स्थान सर्वोपरि है। जैन दर्शन के अनुसार जीव का लक्ष्य कैवल्य अवस्था को प्राप्त करना ही है, इस अवस्था के प्राप्त होने पर जीव सर्व सुखी हो जाता है, जिसे जैन दर्शन में अनंत सुख शब्द से अभिहित किया गया है। अरिहंत और सिद्ध अवस्था ही ऐसी अवस्था है जहाँ पर जीव कैवल्य के चरम को प्राप्त हो जाता है। सुख की खोज में न मात्र मनुष्य अपितु जीव मात्र अहर्निश प्रयत्नशील रहता है, किंतु सुख प्राप्ति के उपाय विपरीत होने के कारण वह दुखों की ओर ही बढ़ता चला जाता है। जैन मान्यता के अनुसार रत्नत्रय का मार्ग ही सुख की खोज का सर्वोत्तम उपाय है। श्रद्धा, ज्ञान और चारित्र जब तक सम्यक नहीं हो जाते तब तक जीव कैवल्य स्वरूप की पहचान नहीं कर सकता। कैवल्य की पूर्णता अरिहंत और सिद्ध अवस्था में होती है किंतु इसका प्रारम्भ चतुर्थ गुणस्थान से हो जाता है, जहाँ पर जीव की श्रद्धा मिथ्या से सम्यक् हो जाती है।

Concept of Isolation in the Context of COVID-19: A medical Science perspective

Modern medicine considers different dimensions of health which includes philosophical and spiritual in addition to physical and mental. Indian philosophy has dealt with the ‘Isolation’ in different aspects. Garuda Purana, Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita suggested the ‘Isolation’ or ‘Quarantine’ in relation to physical wellbeing. This is relevant in context to contagious pandemics like Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) for breaking the chain of transmission. Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas depict about yogas to attend the Kaivalya or detachment from materialism. Understanding of ‘Isolation’ in Indian thought will help to stand strong during the hardships of COVID-19.

Science is uprooting Free Will from Governance

Free will assumptions have long been the basic axiom for not only philosophical and ethical doctrines but also as a basis for a large part of sociology, law, public administration, civics, political science, economics, and ethology. With an increased understanding of natural order that dictation seems flimsy, humanistic and emotional exceptionalism is rapidly eroding, and we are more and more envisioning ourselves as parts of nature, rather than masters of it.

Tribal Religion and Religious Belief of Tiprasa

Totemism is the most primitive religion. A totem is a species of animal or plants or class of inanimate objects, with whom a group or community has very intimate relation or kinship.[vii] If there is anything as Totem, in the Tiprasa religion then obviously it will be a Waa (bamboo). Because it is a thing which they uses not only in religious purpose but each and every place of life. 

लॉकडाउन में जीवन को भरपूर जीने की मनोवैज्ञानिक कुंजी

रख्यात अमेरिकी कलाकार एंडी वारहॉल का कथन है “हमेशा कहा जाता है कि समय चीजों को बदलता है, लेकिन आपको वास्तव में उन्हें खुद को बदलना होगा”.