Can Emotional Indiscrimination hinder Effective Communication?– A First-Person Anecdote from Academia

We communicate through symbols which are generally commonly-agreed-upon abstract representations of real-world objects and phenomena. The correspondence is usually clear but there’s a significant degree of fuzziness involved owing to unavoidable subjectivity inherent in even the most standardised definitions as well as differential human perception and understanding of objects and phenomena. Language in its narrow sense is the most commonly used means of communication, and in its broadest sense is the very term used to refer to any and all means of communication. No word, phrase, or sentence is a perfect point – its meaning dissipates around it in a fuzzy cloud and the nuclei of these clouds are slightly or even considerably different for different individuals in different contexts of place and time.

विनय-पिटक में ’भिक्षुणी’ संघ की भूमिका

-दीेपिका कुमारी * प्रस्तावना: बौद्ध दर्शन के तीन महत्वपूर्ण अंग है- बुद्ध, धम्म और संघ। बुद्ध में महात्मा बुद्ध के स्वंय के विचार एंव उपदेश है, धम्म में बुद्ध की...