New Book: What is Deep Philosophy? by Ran Lahav

A new book published in the field of Philosophical Practice. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and methods of Deep Philosophy, practiced by the international Deep Philosophy Group. Deep Philosophy means doing philosophy from our inner depth. By contemplating on fundamental aspects of life, we seek to relate to the foundation of human reality. By doing so from our inner depth, we seek to give voice to our deepest personal sensitivities and yearnings. By contemplating on texts from the history of philosophy, we seek to take part in the rich symphony of human voices throughout the ages. And by contemplating in togetherness with our companions, we seek to transcend the boundaries of our individual viewpoint and take part in a broader scope of humanity.

This book provides a comprehensive overview of Deep Philosophy, intended for the general public, as well as for participants and practitioners of Deep Philosophy groups.

The book contains four parts:

  • Part 1 introduces the experience of philosophical contemplation.
  • Part 2 discusses the historical roots of Deep Philosophy.
  • Parts 3 explains the theoretical principles of Deep Philosophy.
  • Part 4 presents the methods and techniques of Deep Philosophy, and may be especially useful for practitioners.

Amazon Link for the book.

About the Author:

Ran Lahav

Ran Lahav is a philosophical practitioner, working with individuals and self-reflection groups. he received PhD in philosophy and MA in psychology from the University of Michigan in 1989. He then started teaching philosophy at a university in Texas. In 1992 he started practicing philosophical counseling, and a year later started giving at Haifa University (Israel) the first university course in the world about this field, and continued teaching it for 15 years. In 1994 he initiated the First International Conference on Philosophical Counseling, and co-organized it with Lou Marinoff.

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